
Yang yang opera singer
Yang yang opera singer

yang yang opera singer

You’d think that the head of Heyu Tea House’s troupe would be into finer arts and all, eh? But I guess it gets suffocating after a while. Comes to watch me at least three times a week no matter how packed her schedule is. Tell you a secret ー but you gotta keep it that way, you hear? She’s fond of rock ‘n’ roll. This way, I shall never run out of heroic tales to listen to! So, I keep a jar of tea leaves under my bed at all times, ready to deliver to her on the day that her inspiration dries up. When Yun Jin drinks a beverage she is fond of, she will be inspired to write a new play. If she ever includes your story in one of her performances, I'm sure the result will end up being quite incredible. You can get to know about the other person's background without having to actually interact with them one on one.

yang yang opera singer yang yang opera singer

It's called "Liyue opera," isn't it? I like this particular type of social interaction. The reason why I decided to invest into her opera troupe is quite simple: Elegant art forms like these deserve to be passed down to future generations. Are you able to appreciate her performances? It might be difficult at first, but I would encourage you to give it a chance. There's not a merchant in Liyue who wouldn't buy up the place if they had the chance, and Yun Jin is the reason it would be worth every Mora. When you're passing by Heyu Tea House and have to squeeze your way through the biggest crowd you've seen in your life, that's when you know Yun Jin's on stage performing. My my, I wish you could have heard her operatic version of the Hilitune! Yun Jin always appears so graceful on formal occasions, but you'd be surprised how friendly she is in private! I made a bet with her once, and the loser had to sing lyrics of the winner's choice in their own singing style. Yun Jin was released on Januduring the first phase of Version 2.4 of Genshin Impact.Ģ.4 Release Date and Patch Notes Character Thoughts on Yun Jin Character

Yang yang opera singer